Membership Opportunities

You may have noticed a shameless membership drop-down button appear to the right of the screen recently that looks like this:

Support Level

Unlike painters, writers and especially bloggers, are not able to sell their work in a traditional sense.  Running a blog takes time to write, edit, promote, photograph and at times can feel like a thankless endeavor.

I added a membership button for readers who have the means and wish to support me along this artistic journey of mine.

You will see the categories are broken up from Budget subscriptions to Angel Investors. All subscribers will receive trinkets, letters and postcards from my travels.

I offer free mentorship and social media consulting to Massivo Thanks! subscribers and Angel Investors.  We discuss anything from how to best craft a social media strategy to networking at an art opening.

You can find out more about my background in arts leadership and social media on my Linkedin page. Interested in sponsorship? Email me at

Thank you for helping me continue this reader supported venture.
